Monday, June 3, 2013

Innocent Darkness

Innocent Darkness: The Aether Chronicles Book 1 By: Suzanne Lazear

Noli has gotten in trouble for the last time.  This time her friend, V, and her were caught in her flaying auto when she does not have permission to do so.  Her mother is told that there is only one option for her, go to a boarding school that will teach her the ways to be a lady.  Noli is heartbroken to leave her mother and her best friend V.  When Noli gets to the boarding school she finds that things are not as they seem, and she is punished severely for everything.   Noli makes a wish to be taken anywhere, and unfortunately it lands her in the hand of Kevighn, who is looking for the next girl to sacrifice to keep magic alive.  But V comes to her rescue, and she finds she cannot live without him, but he has not been truthful with her either.  Noli only wants to go home.

I normally do not like science fiction, but this one was for me!  I loved the characters in this book, and when Noli is being hurt in the boarding house I truly cried for her.  I loved the bond between the characters and the struggle that Noli faced when she realized that in the faerie world things are not always what you think they are.  It was such a well written story that I felt like I was inside the story.  I cannot wait until I am able to read book two! Definitely a great young adult book!

I borrowed this from the public library
ISBN: 978-0-7387-3248-0

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