Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Room by Emma Donoghue

I listened to the audio version of this book. The narrator is Jack, a 5 year old boy who lives with his Ma in Room. The entire story unfolds for us through his perspective. We later find out that Ma was kidnapped by a man who keeps her prisoner in his shed in his backyard. Horrific. But, the fact that Jack tells the events in the story, it is his whole world - a world he loves! It's eery to listen to their daily lives in Room and how they pass the days and weeks and years. It is a book that delves into a terrifying event but in an eerily innocent way. It also tells us a complete story of Jack and Ma. It's hard to say "I really liked it" because it was very unnerving but the author's choice to tell in Jack's words was very fresh and engaging.

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