Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Capture the Castle

I Capture the Castle By: Dodie Smith

Cassandra and her family live in poverty in an old English castle.  She has begun writing a journal and this book follows her life as she is trying to make her writing skills better. She writes about the way her family is, and how she falls in love with her sisters boyfriend, who happens to be the landlord of the castle. We find her wanting her father, who is an author that is experiencing major writing block to snap out of it.  All of the stories of her life throughout the six months she is writing show her to be an ambitious and wonderful girl.

I loved this book for the characters in it. They were fun to read about and the story made you feel  like you were right there with them.  You wanted her father to snap out of his problem, you felt Cassandras pain as her and her sisters were so trying to make everything work even though they were poor.  An endearing story of a youth's life. Also knowing this book was first published in 1948 made this book a timeless classic to me as it was still a great read today that made sense in this world too.

There is also a movie that was made  in 2003 with the same title. I saw that too and it was pretty good, I always like the books better.

I borrowed this book from the public library.

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