Saturday, June 7, 2014

Keeping Safe The Stars

Keeping Safe The Stars By: Sheila O'Connor

Pride, Nightingale, and Baby are doing what Old Finn told them to do, they are with Miss. Addie, but none of them are prepared for Old Finn to not be coming home.  Old Finn is their grandfather, and the only family the kids have.  He goes to town to see the doctor about a fever, and is placed in the hospital. Pride knows they cannot tell anyone they are being left alone, and wonders how they are going to care for each other and visit Old Finn.  The kids do a great job of working together to cook, make money, and help care for Miss Addie too. They all just want one thing, for Old Finn to come home, but sometimes when wishes come true it is not quite what you hoped.

I thought this was a great book for upper elementary and middle school readers. I loved the characters Pride, Nightingale, and Baby.  They were a strong family that worked together to solve life's problems.  I also thought that this book taught a lot about how family should stick together in hard times and help each other. Great lessons for readers.

I bought this from the Scholastic Book Order
ISBN: 978-0-545-73241-3

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