Thursday, June 19, 2014

back home

back home By: Julia Keller

Rachel knows that something is wrong when her mother sits her and her brother and sister down to talk.  Their mother tells them that the good news is that their dad is coming home from Iraq, but the bad news is that there was an accident, and their father was badly hurt. Rachel doesn't know how she feels about everything that is happening to her family.  But when dad comes home, she knows that he is not the same, and this takes it's toll on her family.

This book was hard to read.  It truly showed the side of war that we know happens, but we don't all experience.  It was interesting and heartbreaking to see it from a child's perspective. This book is for middle school readers.  I am so thankful for all the men and women that serve our country, and for their families that serve from home.

I purchased this book from the Scholastic Book Order
ISBN:  978-0-545-26010-7

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