Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Other Half Of My Heart

The Other Half Of My Heart By: Sundee T. Frazier

Minni and Keira are twins, but no one believes them. They are complete opposites, their father is white, their mother black. Minni looks just like her father, while Keira looks just like their mother.  They have always had to explain to people that they really are twins.  Minni just wants to stop feeling so out of place, and when they are sent to their grandmother's to be in a pageant, Minni has to work hard to find a balance in her life.

This story was really good.  First, it has a great message about what it means to be a sister. That no matter what anyone says, the bond they share is a tight one and they love each other deeply. It also brought up some great things about what it mean to live in a biracial family, and not only that, having one sister that is white and one black, brought up the differences in what each of them go through based on the race they look.  Good story for upper elementary and middle school readers.

I borrowed this from the public library
ISBN: 978-0-385-73440-0

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