The Maze Runner By: James Dashner
Thomas wakes up and has no idea where he is. All he knows is that he is now with a bunch of other boys, and they are all calling him the "Greenie". Thomas finds out that he is in a strange place, where the group of boys has made a society, each having their own jobs. But the big thing looming in this world is the maze. The Runners spend their days trying to find a way out of the maze, but don't get locked inside, because at night the Grievers come out, and they only kill. Another strange thing is that the next day, a girl comes out of the hole, and she claims to know Thomas, and he doesn't remember her. The others are suspicious of Thomas, and he makes things worse when he goes into the maze as the doors are closing to help two other runners. He makes it out alive, but those around him know that something is going on and things are different. They have to figure out what is happening, but they all know they have to get out fast.
This was an interesting science fiction read. A colony of boys, who have banded together to make a home, and a civilization of their own, knowing that their purpose is to work on the maze and get out. I thought the concept of the book was one I had never read before, which made it really different. This is a great young adult read, and not only are there more books in the series, but this book has been made into a movie.
I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble.
ISBN: 978-0-385-73795-1