Today I have two funny books for you from Claire Freedman and Ben Cort!
Dinosaurs Love Underpants: This book is a book about how the dinosaurs went extinct! They did so because they were fighting over the caveman's underwear.
Aliens Love Underpants: This book is about aliens that travel the galaxy looking for underpants. And when they come to Earth and find some on the line in your backyard, they like to play in them.

Both books are hysterically funny for me to share with my 3 boys. We of course love to talk about our underwear around here, hopefully that will end soon! But for now these books fit right into my kiddos sense of humor. I love the pictures in these books! They are so colorful and expressive. I think that these are a great addition to any library. Probably my kids who are in second grade, kindergarten, and a two year old, are a better market than most kids, but the forth and fifth graders I read these to also laugh, a little. :)
I purchased these at the Scholastic Book Fair.